3.1. Assignment Instructions

To successfully complete an assignment, you are advised to pay attention to the following:

  • Follow instructions: 1) Read, interpret, and follow instructions very carefully. 2) Finish reading the whole question and note the requirements before you start working on the question.

  • Use resources: You may use any resources available to you via the web. You are, however, encouraged to use generative AI (GAI) tools ONLY after you have come up with a good enough solution and then use GAI to check your work.

  • Work independently: While you are completing the questions, you are expected to work on your own without direct help from other people non-human resources such as search engines are still allowed.

  • Work together:

    • You are encouraged to discuss the problems with others before you sit down and attempt to answer the questions.

    • It helps to work as a group on interpreting the question and approaching the solutions to questions.

  • Use help:

    • The instruction team’s office hours and help sessions are helpful.

3.1.1. Getting started:

  1. class directory: To begin this assignment, make sure you navigate into the class directory under your user home directory.

  2. scp the tar file: Use scp to copy the tar file h01.tar.gz from datacenter@bashnet.org to your ~/class directory. The command is:

    scp datacenter@bashnet.org:~/class/hw/h01.tar.gz .
  3. unzip the tar file: Extract the contents of the tar file: tar -xf h01.tar.gz. Once the files are extracted, you should see the h01 folder (a directory containing several directories and files) in your class directory. These are the files you need to complete this assignment.

  4. h01: Unless otherwise specified in the question, all file names are given relative to the directory ~/class/h01.

  5. Passwords: All the account names and the corresponding passwords are recorded in Canvas Assignment a00, where you keep them updated.

3.1.2. When you are done:

When you have completed the assignment,

  1. done.sh: Run the script done.sh (it’s part of assignment h01) in your ~/class as follows:

./done.sh [firstname] [lastname] [assignment#]
  1. hwk01.txt: The done.sh script will check your answers and create a new .txt called hwk01 .txt in the h01 directory, which you will need to submit to Canvas for assignment h01.

  2. Download hwk01.txt to submit to Canvas: From your local computer terminal (cmd or PowerShell for Windows and Terminal for macOS), change into a folder (e.g., cd Documents to go into your Documents folder). Use the scp command to copy your submission file from your VM to your local computer’s Documents folder:

scp [username]@[your_VM_IP_address]:~/class/h01/hwk01.txt .


  • You can run the done.sh script at any point when you are working on the assignment and the content of the generated hwk01.txt may be helpful in addition to the check scripts in each question. However, you must run it just prior to submitting the generated hwk01.txt file in your class/h01 directory to Canvas to make sure you are submitting the most recent file.

  • To see your VM’s IP address, run ip address or ifconfig (may need to install netools).